Friday, October 15, 2010

Massage to strengthen body and correct emotions

On every finger there exist very convenient mapping for body organs and zones
(thumbs have a bit different mapping):

Using this diagram it’s easy to locate every zone for a body and treat it there.

Massage of organs zones in a special sequence will harmonize and strengthen body energies (known in Chinese medicine, Chi-Gong and martial arts):

Massage may be done:
---  by finger nail
--- anything like a round tip of a pencil
--- or get heated by muxibustion like already described
--- each zone equal time or according to the feelings.

Organs are known to have links to emotions in Chinese medicine:

Liver+gall bladder - anger(negative emotion)/kindness (positive emotion)
Heart +small intestine - hatred/love
Spleen/pancreas + stomach - anxiety (tranquility, comfort)
Lungs + colon- grief, depression (courage, will-power)
Kidneys + bladder - fear (tenderness, vigilance)

This massage balances emotions through work with organs.

If there’s a problem with particular emotion, one can give more massage to the corresponding organ.

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