Chinese medicine and classic Chinese acupuncture:
Liver+gall bladder - anger(negative emotion)/kindness (positive emotion)
Heart +small intestine - hatred/love
Spleen/pancreas + stomach - anxiety (tranquility, comfort)
Lungs + colon- grief, depression (courage, will-power)
Kidneys + bladder - fear (tenderness, vigilance)
In time energy of these organs may get disrupted to an extent they'll in return
begin causing corresponding negative emotions, becoming constant source of trouble.
Such vicious circle may drag one in for long time.
Additionally, one may show exellent physical, emotional and mental tests off-court as body may be able to compensate this energy disturbance but:
--- playing on court
--- getting into similar situation
when situation requires more energy sources, the hidden energy problem begins creating corresponding emotional state.
Psychological help can work only to extent one's mind has direct path to emotions, and quite often
shows itself not able to make a breakthrough.
Acupuncture can solve this the way one erases unnecessary info from his computer
because regaining normal energy balance will automatically eliminate this source of trouble.
2 easy ways, basic energy points and massage of organs zones, have been already described:
In Su-jok acupuncture there is more advanced system of emotions linking to basic 8 energies which
are "elementary bricks" to describe any disease and compose an acu recipe:
--- happiness - Burn
--- joy - Heat
--- anger - Wind
--- anxiety - Dampness
--- depression, grief, frustration - Dryness
--- fear - Cold
This allows to treat directly on emotional level in any meridians system and eliminate the problem relatively quickly.
This may be discussed in more details in next posts.
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