regarding musicians problems:
As this takes place in ligaments from elbow region, the scheme in Su-jok to locate elbow:
Wind (tendons, ligaments, muscles)--->Dryness or Heat (elbow)
--- right elbow - Dryness for men and Heat for women
--- left elbow -Heat for men and Dryness for women
So for men right-handed it will be:
Wind--->Dryness: recipe for harmful energies
for women right-handed:
Wind--->Heat: recipe for harmful energies
Harmful energies involved in tennis elbow are:
--- Cold - chronic pain, calcification and all long-term degenerative effects
--- Dryness - degeneration and restriction in movements, sharp, twisting pains,
--- dull pain - Dampness--- inflammation - Heat
The scheme may look as (men right-handed):
Wind (ligaments)--->Dryness(elbow): Cold, Dryness sedate (pain and movements restriction), Heat sedate (inflammation), Wind, Burn (opposite energies) tone up
For women the same is:
Wind--->Heat: Cold, Dryness sedate Heat sedate , Wind, Burn tone up
Such schemes are very comfortable for self-treatment (compared to schemes in classic acupuncture)
--- the points are on skin touching nailsfrom outside at 45* to each other, size 2 mm
--- colour of is the colour for natural crystals to tape on
--- numbers indicate sequence of work on them
For a non-professional the self treatment is:
--- to mark the points by felt-tip pen
--- massage points by something like round tip of a pencil
--- massage points by something like round tip of a pencil
--- to tape natural crystals of the same colour and size 2-3 mm onto points
--- moxibustion - heating by cigar sold in acupuncture shops or just by 3 incense sticks tied together -
in a sequence of numbers, this is critical! – holding incense stick perpendicular to points,
in a sequence of numbers, this is critical! – holding incense stick perpendicular to points,
20-30 sec each for 1 session.
Professionals do this with moxa at certain angle which sedates and tones up energies at points.
Professionals do this with moxa at certain angle which sedates and tones up energies at points.
Interesting fact demonstrating simplicity and versatility of Su-jok methods is that the same schemes do the same for knees problems, which are quite common among sportsmen.
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